
Styling Services

Gift Cards

Personal Styling Gift Cards ( Gifting Zara Hatke)


My Top Looks

Explore your personal style with our expert fashion stylists. Get personalised clothing, hair and beauty advise along shopping assistance from our experienced stylists virtually anytime, anywhere.


Personal Styling Subscription One month access

Get access to your personal stylist with our one month pack. Season wise Wardrobe styling, Business styling,Travel styling, Wedding and special event styling, Makeup&skin care styling along online shopping assistance, instant styling access and much more!


My Personal Shopping Buddy

Our expert stylists assist you shop online in real time & also video shop in the store.Shopping assistance for any occasion.


Workwear Office Styling

Trendy and functional curated Monday to Friday workwear capsules with outfits, accessory, footwear styling and personal shopping assistance for everyday look, special events & work travel.


Travel Styling & Packing Assistance

Travel in Style and make heads turn! Work or Family or Solo travel. From personal shopping to complete packing assistance, we got you covered.


Personalised Online Makeup, Skincare & Skin Nutrition

Personalized online makeup, skincare routine & skin nutrition consultation tailormade just for you!


In person Makeup & Hair styling experts

Makeup artists ,hair artists , drape artists for brand shoots, personal branding, celebrations & weddings ( individual and groups)

My Wardrobe Makeover Specialist

Refresh and Renew your Season’s Closet with top wardrobe staples for all your capsules (work, casual, social, travel). We work with you on your wardrobe makeover virtually in real time for that perfect Ecloset ! Lean & Clean wardrobes.


Celebration Styling & Shopping

Styling & Shopping partners for Weddings or any Special Exclusive Occasion. Bridal, Groom and Family packs available. For Queries and Quote please write to us at